Your Gift

As we entered Holy Week and considered Jesus' journey of the cross, in this design we sought to capture and juxtapose the raw wood grains and splinters of the crucifix against his garment wrapped in a bow and draped down the front.  This distinct imagery expresses the essence of His atoning sacrifice - a free gift.  Not a cheap gift, rather but a free gift.  This design's striking imagery expresses God’s free gift of salvation to all and thus the title of this design "Your Gift" Cross Ornament.

With this 2.75" tall design to which we've assigned item number C3G, we intended to commemorate and celebrate specific points in the journey of faith including Easter, Baptism, Salvation, and a renewed commitment to be a follower of Christ.

The package includes this Scripture printed on the reverse side: "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. – Number 6:24-26"

May God bless you today as you celebrate Holy Week and consider "Your Gift", and as you look forward to celebrating our Risen Savior!

We invite you to review our shop for this and other of our Cross designs, or Heart designs, or Angel designs, or Snowflake designs.

