This beautiful and powerful Scripture begins: "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." As we meditated on this passage and considered how to translate it into a porcelain cross ornament, we saw the word "dwell", and in another translation "shelter", and were inspired to implement architectural elements such as columns, roundels, and soaring cathedral-like vaults and flying buttresses into our design.
And as the chapter continues in the 4th verse, there is this beautiful imagery of assurance of God's protection and covering, like a fowl with their young nestled against them, under them, beneath them. So in addition to the architectural elements noted above, we wanted to translate this imagery of "beneath His wings".
Our design combines these elements with a set of wings centered on a contemporary fluted architectural cross. This cross design expresses the faith and assurance that in all circumstances our hearts and lives are in His hands. We know comfort in drawing close to Him, staying beside Him, nestled against Him beneath His wings.
Psalm 91:4
Our designs are inspired by Scripture, intended to be a blessing, and created to Share God's Love and Celebrate His Blessings in every step of our journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Sometimes His purposes draw us closer to Him, and when that season of Comfort, Encouragement, Protection, and Faith arrive our prayer is that this design would be a marker in the journey that reminds you of His faithfulness which is so beautifully expressed in the verse found on this back stamp on reverse of the package: "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust; His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." – Psalm 91:4
This porcelain cross ornament design is approximately 4.25" tall and we've assigned it the item number of C4W. While our principal focus is interpreting this scripture into a porcelain commemorative keepsake, the Poetry that is printed on the back panel of the package is yet another expression and interpretation of this Scripture that we enjoy providing as a part of our overall design:
See the Lord,
Draw near to Him,
Find refuge beneath His wings,
And know the comfort of His protection
May God bless you today as you find your way Beneath His Wings in every circumstance!
We invite you to review our shop for this and other of our Cross designs, or Heart designs, or Angel designs, or Snowflake designs.