Posts tagged #Family

Waves of Joy

A beautiful open heart with intricately sculpted shells representing your moments of joy framing the heart. Celebrate those special memories of the ones we love... Like the grains of sand, too many to count!

This design's purpose is to celebrate life's everyday moments of  achievement, time spent with Family, "get-away" weekends with your special love, and heartfelt deep Friendship with those whom you live, love, and experience everyday joys.

The scripture that inspired this design is Psalm 139:17 "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with thee."   And forever recorded in the porcelain, the Scripture reference is backstamped on the reverses side of each design.   This Scripture verse is also printed on package side panel.

The size of this Gift Ornament is approximately 4".

On the back panel of the package the following Poetry can be found: WAVES OF JOY

Oh how I treaure the memories...

Such joy as they come to mind over and again...

Oh what a blessing you are to me...

Our prayer is that you receive the gift of memories with loved ones, too many to count!


Janice & Jay

Posted on January 22, 2010 and filed under Uncategorized.
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From Above

From our studio we see that Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson are now snow-capped and glow pink in the fading sunlight at the end of the day.

And in the morning as we begin our day at work, we see our kilns glowing pink at the end of their night's firing cycle, and together if they could cry out, the white snow capped mountains, and our white bisque porcelain ornaments would quote James 1:17 "Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights..."!

Snow transforms the landscape, crowns the horizon's peaks, and reflects the light in an array of beauty and colors often indescribable.

Our "From Above" Snowflake Angel series reminds us that our brief time together with friends and family during the holiday season vanishes as quickly as a snowflake melts in our hands. And while we have the memory of these special holidays, our hope is that this year's 2008 Snowflake Angel ornament will reflect the memories of those nearest your heart in an array of beauty that is indescribable.....and that you too would exclaim "every good and every perfect gift is from above".


Jay & Janice

Posted on November 17, 2008 and filed under Uncategorized.
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the Elder-One

Genealogy is best experienced “live” .....face to face ..... with all the Family Tree gathered around a potluck supper listening to the elder-one speak about “back in the day”. In those moments isn’t it clear that the branches reflect the the personality does the soul? The drama and decisions and journey of a family unfold in the elder-one’s telling.....and if artfully done, will be picked up and retold by the next generation as tradition.

For some among us, the stories are simply the starting point of a journey to shake out the truth from the perceived exaggerations of the elder-one’s telling. Many among us find their reward by focusing on facts and data of those days gone by, rather than on the character and personality reflected in the roots of those stories. And we find our joy in the confirmation of facts that shaped the elder-one’s story. As though our discovery affirms and renews our faith in the elder-one’s telling.

Thankfully the Scriptures bring together both these camps by the inspired word of the Elder-one’s stories about our Family Tree. About our beginnings and rebellion. About our deceit and cunning. About our love and yearning. About His protection and provision. About Christ’s coming and salvation. About our reunion and eternal homecoming. At life’s most important moments ..... a birth.....a wedding .....a funeral ....a family reunion... may we remember that Our Family Tree is gathered around and listening and when it becomes our turn, may we be responsible and blessed to give an artful account of His active hand in the life of our family when we become the elder-one.

Posted on June 4, 2008 and filed under Uncategorized.
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Holiday Dinner

Few memories invoke an impression on ALL our senses as strongly as that special dinner at mother’s with extended family and long-time friends.......

Smell the fresh baked bread, Taste the heavily peppered and buttered mashed potatoes, Hear the tinkle of glasses and laughter of children, See the wrinkles of your elder aunts and uncles, Feel the firm handshake of favorite nephews.

And as we sense His presence,

May we remember how quickly this time passes with those we love....... And may we look forward to the day of enjoying those relationships once again, both here and hereafter.
Posted on June 24, 2007 and filed under Uncategorized.
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